Looking back at these past four weeks, I cannot think of one thing that I would like to have done differently. It really was perfect. I did have high expectations when I came here, but still somehow this experience could manage to exceed my expectations massively. I could have never imagined that one day I would meet so many people from so many different backgrounds and cultures. Not even in my dreams would I have thought that I could possibly get on with them so well and learn so much from them. I know this might sound super cheesy, but it’s true. I will never forget and forever love the wonderful people that made my time in Cambridge so incredibly and indescribably amazing.
The fact that I found so many good friends here makes it very sad to leave. One night, I spoke about this with my Italian friend, who is leaving as well this week. She agreed with me. For both of us, this experience has been fantastic and for both of us it will be very sad to leave Cambridge and our newly made friends. She said to me that even when it’s hard to leave them and even if I’ll never meet them again, they will always be a part of my heart and of the person I am. Once again super cheesy, but this thought makes me happy and it makes me feel okay about leaving some of the coolest people I’ve ever met.
As a final comment, I want to say that this stay in Cambridge was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done and that I’m incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity. This language stay has taught me a lot of things. Not only have I learnt some vocabulary and grammar structures, but also that sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to be the happiest you can be. It has taught me that the world really is your oyster as long as you have an open mind and heart.
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